Hemp Powder: Why You Should Add It To Your Diet

To keep the body in good health is a duty… Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. -Buddha

Next month marks the second anniversary of my plant-based lifestyle. Whoop! Hands up; high five y’áll!

I have to say again, that the surprise conversion to a vegan lifestyle, has taught me the only thing that is certain in life is inception and dissolution.

Through a summer of getaways to Belize and Mexico, family vacations to St. Kits, Bahamas, and Puerto Rico, lengthy road trips, and the daily grind of life, I managed to stay on track with only a few faux pas (shrimp & lobster).

I continue to look for new food products to use in my kitchen. It is funny how when I ate meat, I looked for new recipes but not fresh spices or other ingredients. I did, however, look for healthier ways to prepare traditional dishes but often walked passed the unknowns in the produce section. Now, I am all in to find new food.

While shopping for the first time at, Buford Market, I was happy (more like elated) to pick up Navita’s Organic Hemp Powder.

Why the excitement? Because this stuff is packed with nutrients!  Four tablespoons include: 

  • Protein – 13 grams 
  • Calcium – 48 mg
  • Iron – 7 mg
  • Potassium – 417 mg
  • Magnesium – 249 mg

Regardless if you eat meat or not, these nutrients are vital to your overall health.

Protein is found virtually throughout the body. It is responsible for hormone production, it makes up the enzymes that power many chemical reactions and the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in your blood. Protein is the building blocks for amino acids. When you eat protein, it is broken down into amino acids, which are then used to help your body to build muscle and regulate immune function. 

Plant-based protein sources are found in seitan, tofu, tempeh, edamame, lentis, chickpeas, nutritional yeast, spelt and teff, hempseed, green peas, amaranth and quinoa (grains). Ezekiel Bread and other breads made from sprouted grains, oats and oatmeal. Wild rice, chia seeds, nuts, nut butters, and other seeds, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, artichokes, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. (source: healthline)

Other non-plant based sources of protein are meats, seafood, poultry, and eggs.

Calcium with Vitamin D supports bone health. As we age, the body loses bone density, and adequate intake from childhood through adulthood can slow the process of bone loss. 

Calcium sources include leafy green vegetables such as kale, collards, and bok choy. Broccoli, fortified soy milk.

Iron is famous and known for energy production. You may not be aware that iron is also responsible for growth development, the synthesis of hormones, and for transporting oxygen around the body. 

Examples of iron-rich foods include beans, lentils, nuts, leafy green vegetables (spinach, kale, broccoli, asparagus, parsley, seaweed, watercress) meats (liver, chicken, lean meats, seafood, tofu, eggs, and fortified breakfast cereals). Medical News Today recommends consuming Vitamin C with iron-rich foods to increase the body’s absorption rate.

Potassium is a mineral found in many foods and is required for normal cell function. Your body needs potassium for almost everything it does, including proper kidney and heart function, muscle contraction, and nerve transmission.

Good sources of potassium include fruits, such as dried apricots, prunes, raisins, orange juice, and bananas. Vegetables, such as acorn squash, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, and broccoli. Lentils, kidney beans, soybeans, and nuts milk and yogurt. Meats, poultry, and fish.

The body needs magnesium to stay healthy. It is a nutrient that is important for regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, making protein, bone, and DNA.

You can find excellent food sources of magnesium in legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables (such as spinach). Fortified breakfast cereals and other fortified foods. Milk, yogurt, and some other milk products.

This post is a little longer than planned; however, I wanted to show you how and why you should include a variety of food sources in your diet. This Hemp Powder is loaded with essential nutrients.

I encourage you to stay open-minded to try new foods and combinations. If you eat meat, consume leaner cuts, eat red meat in moderation, and avoid processed and deli meats. To preserve processed meats and deli meats, salt and other additives or added to the food. They are higher in saturated fat than lean, unprocessed meat, and they can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Try to drink more water and incorporate more fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, and nuts into your diet.

Annual doctor visits and blood analysis will help you to maintain viable health and to determine your nutritional needs. Finally, if your goal is to lose weight, I highly recommend that you avoid trendy diets. They are a temporary fix and, in most cases, when you return to “regular” food, you gain the old weight back and sometimes even more weight.

Instead chose proven methods that involve consistent lifestyle stages. A modified diet (nothing extreme) with gradual changes like swapping out your favorite high fat treat with a healthier version (oven-baked chicken vs fried chicken). Make a commitment to educate yourself and to learn about new foods and how to incorporate them into your diet.

Start an exercise program that includes a combination of strength training and cardio. If you are unfamiliar with weight training, find a knowledgeable trainer to learn proper technique.

While working with the trainer, do not be afraid to pick their brain by asking questions. Use the time to educate yourself and to build confidence so that you work alone.

Use social media to learn different exercises. There are no shortage of fitness pages to follow on Instagram.

Whatever you do, keep it moving and stay consistent. The old quote, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

There is no one giant step that does it. It is a lot of little steps. – Unknown

96 Years Young and He Keeps It Movin’!

Vic! 🙂

Vic’s metal cane sways from right to left when he walks. Slightly hunched over, he creates a rhythm with a periodic pause but confidently steps forward along the busy paved trail. There is no doubt in my mind that Vic is enjoying his morning stroll.

Although I walked passed Vic once, I could not bring myself to move past him a second time without talking to him. When I first got to the park, I had something on my mind. Vic changed that. I was blown away by his perseverance and enthusiasm for life.

Vic is a 96 year-young, U.S. Marine Corps, WWII, and Vietnam Veteran. His cap is a badge of honor. Whoop! Whoop! Vic has arthritis and moving hurts, but he says, “you gotta keep it movin’!” Those are his words. He also said that “movement helps to maintain cognition.” Walking keeps him mobile and independent, the way he likes it because he doesn’t want to have to rely on his children to care for him. I walked with Vic for a bit, we high fived and talked.

Vic agreed to a selfie because I told him I wanted my mom to see him. Although physically able, she is less mobile and Vic instructed me to bring mom to the park so he could talk to her. I love this man!

Vic should serve as an inspiration to all of us. If he can move, so can you! As a WWII and Vietnam Veteran, this warrior probably has more physical, mental, and emotional scars then I will ever know; yet he took the time to inspire me and to brighten my day. I thanked Vic for his service and the uplifting conversation.

The image of Vic is yet another face of wellness. While his story is incomplete to me, he projects positivity and fervor. I hope to see him again soon. Changing your lifestyle for the better does not cost large sums of money. More than anything else, it takes a desire, commitment, consistency, and a supportive community of people around you.

By the way, I was so into my walk this morning, that I covered 6.2 miles!

Wanna talk about it? Got something on your mind? Email me today at tanyafcain@gmail.com.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” 
― Rumi

I Listened To My Body: It Warned Me About A Health Issue

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid,

but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.

(2 Timothy 1:7)

Photo taken (by me) at the Gaylord Hotel, Grapevine Texas

Eat well. √

Exercise daily. √ 

Get enough sleep. √

Minimize stress… Well I am pretty sure that I have my stress levels in check but to be perfectly honest with you, sometimes we think we are doing a good enough job of managing stress when in actuality we are not. We package and shelf it nice and neatly on the inside, and that is where it (the pressure) quietly does its dirty work. I’ll get back to the stress in a minute.

For about two months, maybe longer, I had experienced occasional headaches. Something I rarely get. The headaches were random, so I wasn’t too concerned. We have two blood pressures devices at home, so I started to occasionally take my pressure. First thing in the morning, before you start moving around is the best time to check your pressure; so that is what I did.

My average reading has always been in the area of 117/72.

  • My readings were in the area of 180/99 and sometimes higher!!

Long story short, the diagnosis is hypertension.  

Anyone who knows me will corroborate, I am a health, wellness and fitness devotee. Wellness is a way of life that I take pride in. I do all the right things–not to perfection–but enough to look and feel vibrant and to have excellent physical health.

So when the doctor confirmed my suspicion, I was crushed. Honestly, I think it was an ego thing. You know–

How is the wellness professional gonna tell somebody how to prevent hypertension, when she has it?

It comes down to pride. The fact is, I am genetically predisposed to hypertension. Family history prevails over my lifestyle.

Know your body. Be aware of what your normal is and be prepared to take immediate action (see a doctor) when your ordinary is out of sorts.

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The Value of Reading Food Labels

We are one month and twelve days into 2019. Even if you did not commit to a traditional New Year Resolution, I bet you set some type of goal for yourself. How’s it going?

The top objectives for people in the new year are to lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more, and to save money.

If your goal has anything to do with eating healthy or losing weight, pay close attention. The most important new skill you should adopt is to learn to read food labels. Read before you buy.

Vegan Avocado Wrap

Case in point, look at this mouth-watering avocado wrap.

So you’ve bought this beauty.

Now you can’t wait to sink your teeth into it.

You sit down, open the package, and prepare to dig in.

Then, you notice this small 1.4 oz. packet.

The sweet chili sauce is the perfect blend of sweet and spice that you think you crave. Mouthwatering.

Thankfully you have the conscious mind (yes you do) to flip the packet over and you read the nutritional label.


Look. At. This. Mess! Bulging eyes!!

1. I rarely count calories, but this is a bit much.

2. The sodium content is all wrong! 530mg? That’s salt baby!!! If you’re monitoring your blood pressure, DON’T DO IT!

3. For the sugar addicts, 23 grams of sugar in a 1.4 oz. packet is preposterous!

The chili sauce is a precise example of why you must remain disciplined to read the labels on everything you buy.

If you are ever going to reach your goals, I urge you to commit to taking the first step to read the label before you buy anything for consumption.

Also, there are many Apps where you can search menu items from popular restaurants. When I trained for my figure competitions, I used MyPlate to track my macros. You can search for food by restaurants and get nutritional values.

Here I did a random Chic-Fil-A menu search. when you tap on the food item, the App gives you total calories, protein, fat, and carbs. It’s simple but helpful. If you are aware of the nutritional value of the food you are about to eat, the knowledge may deter you from completing the order and inspire you to change up. 🙂

This post is short and sweet but I need you to understand the connection between what’s on your plate and how snug your jeans fit.

Set aside your fitness regime because no matter how hard you exercise, if you’re not eating right, your clothes ain’t gonna fit right. TTYL

Seek Beauty In Your Broken Pieces

A crack. A break. A defect. Imperfection. Busted. Broken. Early in life, we are positioned to see what is wrong and to prevent failure. When coloring with crayons, we are encouraged to stay inside the lines. When learning to ride a bicycle, we’re instructed to place both hands on the handlebars, so we don’t fall. Don’t run too fast, or you will fall. In elementary school, I remember easily crumbling a half-dozen loose-leaf notebook paper because I’d made a mistake and couldn’t completely erase my error.

The average student frets earning an “F” on a school project, a weekly quiz, a unit test, or worse, failing a class. In my late teens, several times, I failed a required written test for Rickles. Rickles was an 80’s version of Home Depot. After a week or two of training, I could handle the register with ease, however, at the site of the exam, my heart raced like I had completed the 100-yard dash. Although I knew the content, I repeatedly froze and performed poorly on the exam. To get the job, I needed to pass the test.

I legitimately did my best. But my best wasn’t good enough nor was it meant to be. My mother saw my failure as a significant blemish on my young work record and a potential hurdle to future achievements. I was chastised as though my failure was intentional. I was laughed at. Inside I felt like a failure and questioned my intelligence. On the outside, I masked my shame and humiliation with laughter. I didn’t know that I would fail. Naivety convinced me that effort would always prevail.

Looking back on my experience, I am confident that failing Rickel’s exam was the best thing for me. The failure was painful, but it changed the course of my life. My little hiccup temporarily derailed my confidence. I let it go and moved on. I discovered grit and tenacity. I grew stronger.

I wish I knew about The Wisdom of KINTSUKUROI

Kintsukuroi is a Japanese word meaning, “to repair with gold.”

Kintsukuroi is a Japanese art that meticulously mends broken ceramics with gold. The repairs are made by hand using urushi lacquer, and the seam is highlighted with gold or other metals. The technique is designed to enhance the beauty of the flaws and is said to be made even more beautiful than it was originally.

With the tradition, beauty is derived from the broken and flawed pieces. We’re all scarred just the same. Some scars we display physically. Other blemishes are hidden and packaged neatly like a beautifully wrapped Christmas gift. We are scared from failed relationships, failed businesses, wrecked finances, chronic illness, battle scars from cancer, low GPA’s in high school and college, foreclosed homes, and more. Cyndie Speigal’s book of daily inspiration, wisdom, and courage reminds us:

You will fail.

You will fail.

You will break.

You will stand up and dust yourself off.

You will repair yourself again and again.

And eventually, though you will be different than before, you will again become whole.

You will be even more beautiful precisely because of all of this.

You will be a better person because of your imperfections, not in spite of them.

Cyndie Spiegel

It’s 2019! Surely we will experience successes and failures in the New Year. Make a commitment today to allow yourself a moment to feel failure but to get back up and start over.

I will NOT be shaken

Psalms 16:8

Happy New Year Loves!!!