Training Progress Report

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.”

-Jim Rohn

Back in September I decided to compete in my first figure competition. While the event is five (5) months away, I am working very hard in the gym to prepare because May will be here soon.

Throughout the summer, I did CrossFit nearly five days per week.  Lol!  My intense summer training was helpful, but my current training regimen is on a totally different level.

The training differs from CrossFit in that more specific muscles are targeted during each workout.  By the end of my workouts, parts of my body feel like rubber bands.  To be perfectly honest with you, some nights I lay in the bed with extreme achy muscles.  The “no pain no gain” Mantua holds true to body building.

I am excited though, because I am experiencing progress.  My muscles are growing and so is my strength.   With the help of my friend/trainer, one day I leg pressed 360 pounds, not including the machine.  Yikes!!!  It truly is amazing what the mind can do with a little persuasion. Had she not added the weight, I would have never attempted it.

While I’m working in the gym, I feel more challenged with eating enough food.  Seriously, I’m not a big eater, so I tell myself to eat regularly.  Some times I unwillingly chew on my chicken breast, wishing someone could chew it for me.  I know–that sounds nasty, I’m just saying-

I had reservations about posting pictures.  Why?  Because they are up close and personal.     It probably sounds crazy from someone who stays on Instagram.  These pics are much more revealing, but it is the only way for you to see my progress.  So, here it goes.

The first picture it what I pretty much look like when I walk in house at the end of the day.   Carrying several bags, my lunch bag, and other essentials.  During the week, I workout after work, which requires a great deal of discipline on my part. Ugh!!!   I like to workout in the morning.


This “before” picture was taken in early October after a workout.Take early October after a workout.



My abs are slowly coming along, but I still have A LOT of work to do.










My back muscles are developing nicely.  I’m so excited to see my progress.  The more I see my body change, the more pumped I become!

With the New Year being only three (3) days away, I encourage you to think about challenging yourself in 2014.  Step outside of your comfort zone and do something you have not done before.  I’m not big on New Year resolutions, but I do make it a practice to accomplish or at least attempt to accomplish something new each year.  I hope you give it some thought for the New Year.

Keep it moving in 2014!

7 thoughts on “Training Progress Report

  1. Pingback: Six Months of Silence by Nicole Cifani | SoshiTech - Social Media Technology -

  2. Pingback: 2013 – the year of the MUSCLE UP | Fit

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